We can’t do it alone, so we appreciate your help financial or otherwise.
We are a small organization with little overhead. Your donations go directly to funding our initiatives.
We offer two ways to donate. You can either donate via PayPal (or credit card) at the link below or by check to the following address:
Matthew Ornstein Memorial Foundation
c/o Morgan Stanley #530-358
7500 Old Georgetown Road, 10th Floor,
Bethesda, MD 20814
For mailed donations, if you would like to designate your donation in honor or memory of an individual or to a particular program in our portfolio, please include a note.
For donations in an individual's honor or memory, please include contact information if you would like an acknowledgment sent.
Volunteer at the Debate Camp Tournament next summer-- every year we get lawyers, judges, teachers and others to come out and judge and make an impact in a student’s life. No experience necessary.
In-Kind Donations: We also accept in-kind donations for our summer debate camp including: accordion file folders, pens, highlighters, spiral notebooks, paper goods for food service and so much more. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation please contact info@mornstein.org
Spread The Word: Follow us on Facebook @mornstein and Twitter @MattOrnsteinFnd and then retweet or share what you see. Tell your family and friends.
And finally, share your stories. We strongly believe in fighting stigma by encouraging families to speak up.