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Round 2--just as great as Round 1

Sometimes round 2 doesn't get as much press as the first time around, but we think it is worth calling attention to the second Urban Dragon Invitational that was held this past weekend and put on by our partners, the Washington Urban Debate League (WUDL). The tournament itself is notable as being the first TOC (National Circuit National's Tournament) qualifying tournament put on by an urban debate league. If you don't know how much of a big deal that is, trust me it is a big deal.

I got to judge this tournament and I had a great time judging and learning from debaters that I met from all over the country. There were a number of WUDL students and Matthew Harris Ornstein Summer Debate institute alumni participating--and they did great! Equally exciting was seeing WUDL and Matthew Harris Ornstein Summer Debate Institute alumni come back and judge the tournament. These students and alumni were competing and judging at the highest levels of debate.

While we look ahead to November 2022 and the third Urban Dragon Invitational (hopefully in person), I encourage all of us to take a moment to admire the work of our partner, WUDL and the students and alumni. We couldn't be more proud.

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