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Proud to be a Partner of the Washington Urban Debate League

One of the great things about the Matthew Harris Ornstein Memorial Foundation is our amazing partners. On November 13-15th we were proud to stand by the Washington Urban Debate League as it hosted the Urban Dragon Invitational, the first ever Tournament of Champions (TOC) Bid tournament hosted and run by an Urban Debate League. For those not familiar with the TOC, the TOC is a yearly tournament that is run by the University of Kentucky and attracts the best debaters from all over the country. You have to earn bids to qualify for the TOC and those bids can only be earned at the best national tournaments.

The Washington Urban Debate League made history when it hosted the Urban Dragon Invitational as the first time an Urban Debate League hosted a bid tournament. This is a big moment nationally for Urban Debate Leagues and the Washington Urban Debate League. It is a strong statement to the country that Urban Debate Leagues and their students can compete on a national stage.

At MHOMF we are proud to announce that many of the Washington Urban Debate League students participating and doing well were students who have attended the Matthew Harris Ornstein Summer Debate Institute (MHOSDI). At MHOSDI we pride ourselves in not only teaching students to debate, but also encouraging them to realize their potential. A number of students competing in both JV and Varsity elimination rounds were summer camp alumni and a number of other students were very close to making it to elimination rounds with strong records. These are talented students, with great work ethics and strong coaches; we are privileged to get to interact with them for a few weeks each summer and see what they achieve during the school year.

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